This is a display of bags of coffee beans at Starbucks. It was in front of the big cushy armchair I chose to sit in, and with my resolve to draw in public it seemed appropriate to just draw what was in front of me. This turned out to be quite a learning experience on so many levels. When I set up to draw at home, I spend a lot of time placing the objects, moving them around, adding and subtracting elements, looking for the perfect shadows and highlights and anchor point. By anchor point I mean the specific point at which I start the drawing, and the point against which I measure all other lines and angles. I hadn't realized how important that anchor point was until here, when I had an immovable position and an immovable object. The display case was against the window and the only source of light was the overhead lights, creating a real flatness and lack of shadows. I began drawing this at the top of the sign, and as I drew downwards, I became aware of how the point of view changed. The bags on the top shelf were above my eye level and all I could see was the front of them. As I went down, and my perspective changed, so did what I could see of the bags. Below eye level, I could see the tops and sides of the bags as well. Because I was in public and a bit nervous about it, I drew as quickly as I could. I also used a finer pen. I think I did achieve a less stilted and formal drawing than the previous one. But I learned a lot, and I really had fun doing it. I will definitely be doing it again. There are so many coffee shops!
you are doing great! it is fun to figure out the perspectives of things when you are in a pulblic place isn't it?
You're so brave....and this turned out great! Way to go!
Well done. A great uninhibited drawing. I haven't the courage to do that .....yet. You've encouraged me to give it a try. If only there was a Starbucks in rural Wales!
Really nice job & it is nice & loose - You are brave, I have yet to draw in public
I saw your note on EDM. Good for you for bringing the pens out and drawing at the coffee shop. I am intimidated drawing in person too but always feel good when I do. Funny how let others make us nervous even when we really want to do something! Anyway, well done here. And it sounds like you learned a lot about perspective too.
This is really good and what a great place to draw! In a big cushy armchair! Thanks for visiting my blog! :) Marva
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