My thinking for this challenge led me to the conclusion that I don't have a favorite color. In fact, the reason I like to paint rather than just draw is because of the colors. Without color, it just isn't interesting (which could also be my philosophy of life if I chose to dissect that sentence). But back to the point... I couldn't choose a color, so I looked to my patio plants to see what grabbed my attention. This container of geraniums and lobelias is quickly becoming my favorite color combination. I had chosen white lobelia to contrast with the salmon geraniums in the black container. Instead I got a mislabelled batch of these brilliant blue lobelias. Serendipidity! This combo is eye-popping.(And geranium leaves are so much fun to paint!) Watercolor in Moleskine wc journal.
love lobelias... recognised them in your picture right away!
I love this! And I'm with you about trying to choose a favorite color - impossible!
Your comment resonates so much with me. I rarely miss the date for an EDM Challenge unless I'm out of the country, but I don't have a favorite color anymore and can't stand my sketches until I get out the watercolors and start playing. Your orange-red and blue combination is dynamite!
I like watercolor for the same reason .. the colors!!! Nice sketch, very charming and cheery.
Beautiful color combo, beautifully painted!
Nicely done EDM....I'm in the same boat with you regarding fave colors...Love the lobelias...they so positively remind me of a trip to Austria I once took in another life...LOL :)
I'm going to have to try geranium leaves - yours are fab and they really provide a great backdrop to the flowers. x
Vive la couleur! This is beautiful, the colors work great together!
Your philosophy on life is interesting. Reminds me of the one of four grandchildren we have who never wants to see a black and white movie again - she wants COLOR! And she is a colorful one.
I think it's a good philosophy.
Hi, Lyn:
Love this one....it's peaceful, and bright and balanced.
It must have taken you quite some time....I've been peeking at your work and enjoy every visit !
Oh, good luck in your transition back to work...I know how hard that can be.
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