"Be like the flower, turn your faces to the sun."- Kahlil Gibran
The other morning, I was enchanted by this scene in my backyard. The day lillies had exploded into bloom and leaned gracefully across the birdbath. The sparrows were chattering and splashing. It's my little piece of paradise.
One of my art goals has been to experiment with different media. I really admire those who can draw with pens (drawing is not something that comes easily to me), and wanted to try pens and wash. This is a little tighter than I would want it to be. It's one of those drawings where sometimes I like it, and sometimes I don't. But I really did like the process of doing it. I found it totally absorbing. I understand the "rule" that you have to understand the princples of drawing and how to apply them correctly before you can creatively break them. I think you have to draw tighter at first in order to understand how to draw looser.
Lynn, this is a charming piece. I love the colors and the composition.
My ink drawings are always much tighter than I wish, but looseness will probably come with time and practice. You are already good with watercolor, so you should enjoy the ink and watercolor.
I think there are two keys with pen: learn how to draw it right first time and practise practise practise!
I started out just drawing with ink. Then I learned how to shade. Once I got that far I found I improved with practise. Taking the pen as your only sketching tool is a great way to loosen up :)
That being said, I love your picture :)
What a lovely piece! I think you've done a fabulous job!
This is lovely as it is. About wanting to become looser--- 'loose' may not be your inherent style. Your natural way with paint and pen or pencil may be careful, quiet, elegant. I wouldn't try, necessarily, to be loose, but I would just do more and more sketching and painting. In this way, your own natural style, be it loose or not loose, will emerge. Good luck!
Lynn you are doing just fine. As others have said working with a pen takes practice.
I know for me, I have been practicing drawing exclusivly with a pen on many of my sketches lately. I have been told that I have an actual style. Hum...I never thought I did. i don't know if I'm loose or tight I just draw and let what comes out of the pen be right for that moment in time.
keep it up you are on the right track!
This is a wonderful drawing, it does have a happy mood about it. I've been experimenting with drawing in ink too, but not with such good results as yours! I really like your onions below too. Love that blue checked cloth.
It looks very nice. A joy to look at and imagine your yard.
Great composition, nice details! I like the subtle patterns you've included, like around the edge of the birdbath.
I agree, very charming and a terrific ink and wash sketch - I know what you mean about using ink - it is scary but Danny really advises it and remember there are no wrong lines!
This is so calming and pleasing...love the lillies! :)
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