This is my new cell phone. For years, I bucked the trend and didn't have one, didn't even want one. I had pared my life down to carrying a tiny little purse that held my wallet, a tissue, keys and a lip gloss. Carrying the bare essentials meant life was easy. I took this philosophy to other parts of my life, too, keeping the important things and not getting bogged down with consumerism and being the "firstest with the latest". But life conspires against this kind of simplicity. Now it's hard to find a public pay phone. EMTs are trained to check cell phones for the ICE number, the person to call In Case of Emergency. And my employer thinks cell phone warnings are the way to deal with a potential disaster. Hence my new cell phone, and my search for a slightly bigger purse that will fit the phone. I may as well get one even a little bigger to hold the iPod. Sigh...
Done with a Staedtler pen and watercolor pencils. This is probably the fastest sketch I've ever done!
Way to go Lynn! I have a cell phone but I think I may put 15 mins a month on it. But my husband likes to to hae one for the rare times when I go someplace with out him. I can check in! Love your drawing, and the sweet even stitching.
Great sketch! I like the peace of mind having a cell phone brings.
I love having my cell phone when I am traveling alone especially by car but I think I have grown to just love my cell phone period! Very nice drawing of it. I like how you made the case black. My black purse that didn't come out black could have used this kind of drawing.
I love the stitching detail! Also, I love the watermelon in an earlier post. I marked it as a favorite in Flickr weeks ago!
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