Monday, January 07, 2008

EDM 152 and 149

These nuts were fun to draw. And we just happened to have a whole fresh container of nuts given to me by my brother. Several Christmases ago, they had given us one of those new, shiny, technologically advanced nut crackers that promises to crack any nut any size any time. And it does! But sometimes it will pop the nut right out of the cracker where it of course becomes a cat toy. Every year we get a new container of nuts. I have discovered the joys of having fresh nuts to add to salads whenever the notion takes me.
This is my hard working, never lets me down broom. I bought it when we first moved into our house about 15 years ago. I liked it so much that I bought second one for the basement. They both are still going strong and show no signs of wear and tear. (And really, I do sweep up the kitchen floor every day!)


Anonymous said...

YUM :-D those little cute nuts! your work is always interesting.

Shelly McC said...

These are both wonderful drawings! Love the nuts!

Lin said...

Good job, Lynn!! Those nuts are adorable!! Love the humor!

Ann said...

Both are great drawings! I especially like the broom :)

quirkyartist said...

Love the comments on the nut drawing !!!

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Love those nuts!

The Word Illustrated said...

Great nuts and broom! Wow I have to admit I was CRACKING UP when I read the joke between the nuts lol

dibujandoarte said...

great drawings! you know the "holder" (DON'T KNOW THE WORD)attached to the broom, they are selling them here too since sometime ago, the funny thing is I had never realized the shape was meant for that till I saw it hanging somewhere.

Jana Bouc said...

I just love your style and your great sense of humor. Your drawings have such personality!