This one really was a challenge. I didn't even know how to start something like this. But I got lots of good advice, tips, and encouragement from others on the EDM list, so I thought I would give it a try. It's usually the difficult ones that result in the most learning, and I try to never be afraid of learning anything new. I studied how others had done their sketches or drawing, and looked at many things wrappped in plastic over the last week from my lunchtime sandwich to the new toothbrush to the head of romaine lettuce. I tried to see how the light reflected, where there were subtle color variations. Finally I chose to do this end of a roasted red pepper baguette that was such a pretty color. I think I get the concept, although I'm still having some difficulty with having the pure white reflections show up without making them look like they are outlined in a darker color. But without the contrast to the dark, the white does not show up at all (and really, isn't that the whole point in painting or drawing? Lesson learned: Do not be afraid to exaggerate the darks.) That will probably get easier with practice, both in looking at things and in painting them. So I think I achieved a glimmer of enlightenment although the execution of this may fall a little short of what I had hoped. (Honest, it looked better in my head!) I think though, that as a first attempt, I'm pleased with this. At this point in my artistic journey, I'm pleased when I can render something that is recognisable.
I think you did a good job on this. It looks exactly like what it is, and i thought your written analysis was spot on as well, especially about exaggerating the darks.
Excellent job, Lynn -- good analysis and I really think you did a super job! Think about all you learned! ISn't it amazing how some of the most difficult challenges really teach us the most?!
Are you kidding? This is great! It's wonderful when doing something opens new doors, I know what you mean when you say it doesn't show but you feel it.
Wonderful! Your self-analysis is great. You're right -- do not be afraid....do not be afraid....
This is a wonderful drawing! I love that knot in the plastic bag too - it's perfect!
Fabulous sketch, you kept it - simple and fresh and lively !!
Great drawing!
nice drawing
I agree with the others , this is lovely and it shows us exactly what it is. And it made you really look at things, that is surely the secret to drawing.
Your plastic wrapper looks great...You've acheived wonderful transparency and I like the knot...
REally nice job, Cordelia! I have yet to tackle this tricky subject and in fact, have been avoiding it like the plague ever since it was posted.
this is great! You have done amazing job. I enjoy your blog:)
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