I love lemons. I even love the thought of lemons. When I was little, growing up in a northern country, there were no lemons to be had in the stores. We had apples, and bananas and oranges that were imported, but there was no real "tropical" fruit in the stores in the winters (and often not in the summers either). We ate a lot of canned fruit and we often had preserved fruit that we canned ourselves during the summers when we could get pears and peaches and apricots. But our lemon juice came in a greeen bottle. Today when I went to the neighborhood grocery store, there were mangos, pineapples, cherries, cantalopes. The world has become much smaller it seems and our fridge is stocked with key limes and lemons all year round. They are no longer luxuries for us, and we expect to get anything we want in the store at any time of the year. But I will try from now on not to take lemons for granted, and to give them the respect they deserve. After all, they travelled a long way to get to my house. This is done with Caran d'Ache water color pencils in the Aquabee sketch book.
lol I like the poem that goes along with these awesome lemons!
Great story, Lynne! I can well imagine a time when fruits and foodstuffs were not so readily available. Good reminder to appreciate what we have and not take everything as our right to have it. Love the way you used near complimentary colours, too. The blue really makes the yellow stand out.
Thanks for commenting on my 100th post!
Now that's one heck of a sweet postcard you painted there! We sure do take so much of life for granted, great reminder you've shared along with your talent, thanx.
Nice post and drawing, Lynn. I love lemons too ~
You know I'm still working on my lemons and I saw something in yours that I hadn't seen working on mine so thank you!
Nice drawing of your lemons and you're right, today we take so many things for granted, having everything imported all over. The background set the lemons off evry nicely...
What a lovely story Lynne! Such a beautiful page too. Thanks for stopping by my blog! So nice to meet you-see you in class : )
That song brings back memories! Folk singers at the Chez Paree in Wellington New Zealand,w here in the winter we had boring fruit like apples and oranges. I think we did have lemons though.
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