For my 50th birthday, my beloved gave me this beautiful cyclamen plant. I really like these plants. I like their quirky variegated leaves, their bold "look at me" colors, the way buds are swirled and ruffled, and then open up and bend backwards, and the oddly colored stems. Theflowers start out bright pink and then become almost lavender as they age. He has given me several of these over the years. I keep it inside until it's warm enough , then I plant it outside in a sheltered spot near the patio. Sometimes it will reappear the next summer, sometimes it does not. But that's what gardening teaches you - enjoy it today for soon it gone and you never know when or if it will return. Never wait til tomorrow to smell the flowers.
The flowers actually have 5 petals, but my view when I was drawing only showed me three. And that blossom was opening up even as I was drawing it. This is watercolor in the Aquabee sketchbook, and those leaves were really fun to do. I'm calling it EDM 76 "Draw some flowers".
I agree, cyclamen plants are beautiful. I bought one for my Mum last Mother's Day and she loved it. You've done a great job on the cyclamen! Nice colours too :)
This is a really sweet watercolour - I also like cyclamens.
Well Happy Birthday! :) I zoomed in on the painting, really nice! :)
Nice work on those leaves. This is a wonderful piece!
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