I actually had something else in mind for this challenge (there are so many round things!). I had put these mushrooms and peppers for our pizza in the colander and washed them prior to cutting them. They looked so nice and inviting and fresh that I decided to paint them as this arrangement fulfilled the requirement of "round" on several levels. The peppers were grown at a local greenhouse and were vibrant and shiny, and tasted exquisite. Buying locally tastes so much better, probably because things are allowed to ripen on the plant, and don't spend days in a cold truck. This is my favorite colander and I have often thought to paint the vegetables in it, as they are one of my favorite kinds of still lifes. I have been practising with creating my own dark colors by experimenting with combinations of the primary colors, and I think this one works well for the dark gills on the mushrooms. I like the way this turned out. It's water color in the Aquabee Sketchbook.
My original idea was to paint a sea turtle. I had visited the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago and saw the sea tutle there. It had such clean, nice curves to its shell, flippers, and head, and its markings on shell and skin were also round. I may still do that.
I really like your take on the challenge. Nice, bright and cheerful colours too. Well done ~
This is great! Love the colandar and the many other round vegetables! Not easy to draw many round things together - wonderful!
Well done, Lynn! I like the fresh colors you've used, and the interesting diagonal lines on the table which make a nice contrast with your round subject.
This is really fresh and bright - like the veg! - you're right, you got the mushroom colours spot on.
What a great and colourful drawing! I love it.
Nice work - and I really liked the lemon and asparagus a few posts further down!
Well done, this looks really good. diane X
This is so bright and cheery! I like your style and enjoyed the shoe and asparagus, especially, too.
Always, Rita
Very well done, and the veggies look delicious. Congrats on such a good take on the table cloth or tea towel. I would have been afraid to attempt the design after doing so well on the veggies and colander.
This is so cute!
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