Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Keeping it simple

For a while, I forgot to keep it simple.  I forgot that my main source of inspiration in sketching is to celebrate the simple beauty in every day life.  My drawing got tight and frustrating and was no longer a source of joy and release for me,
So I've gone back to the basics.  I was on my deck eating one of these white peaches.  They were fresh and sweet and juicy and I noticed the rich colors and interesting swirly patterns on the skins.  And that's why I like to draw - to capture that simple beauty in the ordinary.   I think John Keats had it right:
'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all
    Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.'  50
It was fun to play with softening edges and blending colors and adding salt to damp paint. Keep it simple and enjoy the process.
Watercolor (and salt) in the journal


Stefano said...

I love this sketches. These fruits are so vivid and colorful. ALso the water melon, The shadowing, everything is nice.


Boud said...

You're so right! and it shows in this nice watercolor.

Clare said...

Beautiful basics you have created.

Jane said...

The peaches are glowing with light, and look delicious! Great picture.