This is my new best friend - um, I mean beer. We first tasted Carib in St. Martin/St Maarten. Whenever we travel, we try to sample local beer and wine. In the Caribbean, this beer is served all over but is usually made on the island that sells it. It's a good, crisp, cooling beer, perfect for drinking at a little sidewalk kiosk with a thatched roof to protect you from the sun. And it's way cheaper than Canadian beer is in Canada.
This particular bottle was bottled in Trinidad and sold at the liquor store in my neighborhood. It doesn't taste quite as good when I'm surrounded by snow and blizzard like winds. Maybe if I close my eyes...
Pentel pen and watercolor pencils in Robert Bateman sketchbook.
My mouth is watering. You know what I really like? The limes in the corner! The rest is nice too, of course. Great choice for something bubbly.
Hi Lynn,
Thanks for commenting over on my blog http://inspiredcreatives.com . Just getting started with it. Not sure what my direction is yet. Love your drawings. Excited to see more.
Oh, it's Ramona, not Rowena, but that's ok.
It looks so refreshing I wish I liked beer! Great drawing.
Always fun to taste some local cuisine, that would include beer and wine don't you think.
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