This is the view, including the window frame. I'm not sure hwo successful this is because I sat on a chair which meant my eyelevel was a bit below the window frame. I actually could not see the ground - only the window box plants, the large fir trees across the sidewalk and part of the Co-op parking lot across the street. That's a truck parked in the loading zone.
And yes, the poplar tree on the left (the one with the messed up branch!) does have yellow leaves on it. Although we've had record high temperatures for this time of year, the nights are quite cool, and these trees are very sensitive due to an aphid infestation. Summer is going out with a bang this year.
I drew this in my Moleskine sketch journal using my new dip pens. I've been experimenting with trying to draw more quickly, and the dip pens seem to lend themselves to that - making quick, sharp lines, or long smooth ones. And it makes a very cool noise on the page. This particular pen (which was a bonus pen with the Speedball kit that I bought) has a very thin nib, that actually scratched the surface of the paper. So while I'm not sure that I like the final result, I really liked the process. Color was added with Pentel Brush pens and watercolor pencils.
I was using dip pens today too :)
Love your view!
What a nice view and a nice drawing. I'll have to check out dip pens, I don't know what they are!
Nice layout! I think you've done a great job using Moleskine here... the center of the page as the division between the windows, very inteligent!
Dip pen effect looks good too, I saw those at Barnes and Noble's but I didn't know what they do. Well now I do, thanks to you :)
It's been so interesting to see what others see from their windows. I have difficulty with dip pens, but you did a nice job on this. Happy autumn! nancy
Pretty drawing and nice view.
lovely work! I like how you put a border around it all.
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