"Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen." Robert Bresson
And then I scanned it...
Honestly, in real life it does not look like that! I have been struggling with this Moleskine drawing journal and it's given me nothing but grief. The color throws me off, and in this case it really threw the scanner off. It's about nine shades too yellow and the delicate blues and grays of the pussywillows don't show up at all. So then I tried something with blue shades in it. This is the one thing that is blooming in my garden but was buried under the latest snowfall on Friday. It's better, but again there's too much yellow in the scan and the blues and violets are washed out.

I think this journal is not for me. I think I will use it for my everyday writing journal, and go back to the Aquabee sketchbook and the Moleskine watercolor journal with white paper. Sometimes, things just don't work out the way you want them to.
I'm not much of a moleskine fan, either. Could you try tweaking the color after you scan it? I have done that and I am no computer whiz at all. I think I click on something that says "fix". The drawing of the pussy willows does have a delicate feel, though.
I have been using a Moleskine too for the first time. I like the feel of the paper for working in pen and color pencil. I haven't tried using paint. I am not all that excited about the color of the paper however.
I am now just getting used to working with the pocket moleskine...the color was annoying at first but now I have grown to enjoy it...I have restricted its use though to black, brown and sepia, pen work. I also have a computer option (microsoft editor) which "fixes" color and takes a lot of the yellow of the paper out...just a thought...
I think your sketches are lovely and your book is very pleasing...give it some more time maybe ??? :)
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