When I was little, we would often go to the Dairy Queen in Red Deer for ice cream. Back then, the Dairy Queen only did ice cream and they did it very well. Their banana splits were divine. Three mounds of ice cream, one topped with a ridiculously yellow pineapple sauce, one with a smooth chocolate sauce, and one with strawberry sauce. It was lusciously topped with whipped cream and maraschino cherries. Delicious! But for some strange reason, the bananas were never ripe. Never! You would think that by the law of averages, you would occasionaly get a ripe one but they were never ripe. You couldn't even cut them with that cheap plastic spoon. But we still ordered them. The day after I drew this, while out with friends at the Old Spaghetti Factory, the meal ended with a little dish of their famous spumoni ice cream. I wish I could have drawn it because it was so pretty, brown and green and white, in a tiny little silver dish. But I ate it instead.
This is drawn with Pigma micron pen in my day journal and colored later with water color pencils.
Wonderful nostalgic memories...and a lovely little drawing to match! :)
Yummo! Great drawing!
Great drawing!!It activated my sweet tooth. It must be universal, I have never had a ripe banana in mine either. :)
yummy, i'm going to wait til summer before attempting this edm, great job
I just finished an ice cream, aMagnum...not nearly as delicious looking as yours!I've missed so many of your posts and I ad a peek..great work and my favourite is your fish a few posts back!
any self-respecting artist would have eaten the spumoni instead of drawing it... you did good!
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