I make my own bread, this loaf was shaped by hand which accounts for the odd shape. They say the test of good bread is how it tastes when it is toasted. And this toast tastes very good. But clearly, there is no substitute for daily drawing practice. Time to make time to draw.
Yummy! I love toast. Haven't got the time to draw myself aside from feeling depressed that my cat's still missing and it's been more than 10 days now.
I wish I could draw everyday like you Cordelia =)
I'm with Alex...and homemade bread is even better! If I don't draw for a couple of days, I can definitely tell. The good news is that it comes back quickly! Hope your job gets easier soon!
Being new to bread making I had no idea that was the true test. Mine is pretty good.
Don't you just hate it when work gets in the way of what we love to do. I'll bring my camera today and you bring the sketch book. We'll take an extended lunch to do what brings us joy. It is going to be a great day. Rose garden here we come!
mmmm - homemade bread toast! It's a very nice drawing! nancy
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