As I was preparing to draw, a small bumblebee landed on the table. It crawled along the edge of the table and then suddenly stopped as if it were too exhausted to go on. I grabbed the pencil and quickly sketched it, noting the placement of the stripes of fur, the shape of the legs, the curve of the thorax. It stayed for about 20 minutes, long enough to study it well and add some color. I added it to the sketch of begonias. See it there on the darker leaf on the left? It was a tiny little bee, maybe just hatched or popped or however bees become bees.
I'm always in awe when I get the opportunity to see a bit of nature up close like this. Bees are always in motion so it's rare to see one so close and still that I could make out the soft down and the brilliant colors.
Watercolor in Moleskine wc book.
Here's the bee sketch if you're interested. It's done using watercolor pencils.

I really love the colors, they are gorgeous and that little bee is so cute!
Thanks for your comment, and yeah we all need a phone that can survive the washing machine torture =) By the way, that phone weighs 4.07ounces
Beautiful Begonias. My favorite flowers that are just for show. No scent just good looks. On Canada Day I was in Banff on a cool cloudy Alberta day. The begonias in the Park Office gardens were spectacular.They love hanging out in the shade. Of course I also love the bee!
This is one of my favorite pieces that you have done!
Beautiful painting - the flowers and the leaves and especially capturing the bumblebee.
Beautiful begonias! And a cute little bee too.
I agree with Sandra, one of your best..the little bee makes it special!
Wow~ Love your colors, the flowers are so showy and full of life! I really like the little bee too.
I like the begonias - and also the nice little bee!
LOL...when there are bees around, I'm the one who is not still! Wonderful drawing!
your begonia is fantastic, and the description you wrote also. This is good, text and illustration!
Love the bee also.
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