My definition of creepy is coming home to my Mexican vacation hotel, and finding a huge black slug on the bathroom floor. The bathroom was beautiful, completely white. There were no windows only the wooden shutter high up on the wall. And there was absolutely nothing with which I could scoop up and carry out my unwanted visitor. No brochures, coffee filters, paper doilies - nothing. So I turned on the light and closed the door, thinking that the slug would crawl back up the wall and go outside. As I was drifting off, it suddenly occured to me that the slug would crawl toward the nearest dark place which was where I was! I leaped out of bed, opened the door, and there it was crawling under the door into the bedroom. Finally I rummaged around in the luggage, and found the paper envelopes that held our boarding passes and after several futile tries scooped the big guy up and carried him outside. He put up quite a fight, and I was thoroughly creeped out by the whole thing.
Micron pen and Pentel brushpens in Moleskine journal.