At the beginning of summer, I bought myself some flipflops. Now I don't believe in paying a lot for these bits of plastic foam that by the end of the summer will be worn flat and misshapen. Most of the time you can't wear them the next summer because they and your feet are no longer compatible and they feel hard and ugly. So I buy a couple of cheap pairs - this year turquoise and pink - and they match most of my outfits. At Michael's they sell strips of adhesive that have sparkly beads or sequins on them in just the right shape and length to glue onto plain old flipflops. And now my $3.99 shoes look like a million bucks!
Because what's summer without a little bling on your shoes? Life's too short to wear ugly shoes.
I wore these to Expo Latino on Sunday. I sat in the shade and watched the salsa dancers, and the mariachi bands, ate tamales, and freshly made corn tacos, drank an icy cold Corona, and yes, I admit, I danced in my chair. Later that evening, I wrote in my journal that this was a perfect day. And it was, but it occurred to me that I had written that ver same phrase about a lot of days this summer. Maybe I'm easy to please, or not very discerning, but I'm pretty pleased about that. Yep, life is good.