These are the words that describe me. At work, we did a team-building exercise called DISC Profiles which is to give us some insight into our personality. We filled out a lengthy questionaire that sorted us into one of four main personality types - Dominant, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientious. I scored highly in the Steadiness quadrant and these are the words that discribed me. I was disappointed. Thoughtful? Steady? Reflective? Perhaps this should be called the Boring quadrant. Where were the words that I longed to be - Eccentric, Impulsive, Idealistic, Spontaneous? But really - those words don't describe me and this was, after all, an exercise to give us some insight into our personalities. So... these are the words that describe me. Serene? Yes, I like that. I've worked hard to move from perfectionism to serenity so I'll own that word. Caring? Well, I like to think so I'll keep that word, too. Reflective and thoughtful? Perhaps those suit me better than eccentric and impulsive. Steady and consistent? I have certainly worked steadily and consistently at learning to draw over the past few years, so OK, I'll adopt those two as well. Well, may these words do describe me after all. And that's not to say that I don't or can't have flashes of brilliance, eccentricity or idealism. Maybe those are just not the words that I choose to wear publicly. Perhaps beneath my mild- mannered, steady appearance, there beats the heart of a superhero who longs to change the world.
I think I would have ended up in the same quandrant. I always long to be the memorable exciting one but I am the steady dependable one... I'll never be the life of the party but I've been making peace with that recently and loving myself and all these qualities which are actually quite good ones... just not exciting ones.
Great inspiration piece to put up on a bulletin board as a reminder of your strengths when you need a little boost of confidence. Definitely good qualities to be proud of, and although they might not sound "exciting", I've come to learn that some of those exciting characteristics are not so desirable in the long run.
hehe, i think i would have ended up in that quadrant as well. and i'm often drawn to the eccentric, impulsive, spontaneous folks (like my husband) because those are qualities i like, but don't have. fortunately, we need all types. it makes life beautiful. and even though we're naturally steady, conscientious, and caring, we can still have a wild streak in us. :-)
You sound like a grate person! I would probably been in the influence-group... In my kind of work we do "how do you best learn" and "who do you best work" tests...
Nice page... and every superhero needs to be steady and dependable or they wouldn't achieve a thing!
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