I have been somewhat neglectful of this blog, mostly because I am taking an online art class that is using up most of my art time and computer time. But the other day I saw something that inspired me to do this challenge (and I admit I do enjoy these challenges). As the streetlights in our neighborhood wear out, the old round lights are being replaced by these newer ones. Not only are they more energy efficient, they contribute less to light pollution. There is something futuristic about the shape of them, every time I look at them, I am reminded of the Terminator movies. They look vaguely menacing. Their flat tops, though, are a perfect perch for two of the most enormous crows I have ever seen. This one landed and settled looking exactly like a monarch surveying his domain.
This is watercolor paint and Pentel Brush pen in my Aquabee sketchbook.
You're right, these new lights have a futuristic look to them, though the crow negates some of that effect. :) In our neighborhood, which is a historic district, the city just replaced the old street lights with models that look more retro. I'm not sure if they are more efficient or not, but they are cuter.
It does have a futuristic look about it.....nice work ~ :)
Funny,no matter how technical and futuristic we become...nature always pops in and reminds us of what's really important. :) I love this drawing.
Thanks for the warm welcome to EDM. I just loved your blog profile-brought a smile to my heart...and the alter-ego part was a hoot! Keep the artwork coming-a joy to see.
I really like your picture lynn, fresh looking...where are you taking your online art classes? I am doing drawspace.com, but always interested in other offerings to learn....keep up the great work.
Great drawing! I love the crow perched perfectly up there surveying his domain!
Great drawings! I really like the idea of the crow on something so mechanical as the streetlight. As a matter of fact, crows can be kind of futuristic themselves!
Also, thanks for checking and commenting on my blog as well.
thanks lynn...I did check out cathys classes, but they had started already...keep up the good work, I like your style.
Wow pretty colors and I like the viewpoint also!
Thanks for the welcome to EDM. That is one huge crow. Terminator meets The Birds. Tee hee.
This one's a lot of fun.
As for your idea about a club for those of us frustrated by wc pencils - count me in!
Thank you for the lovely encouragement on my lastest drawing. I love comments.
I hope to take a real drawing class this summer as soon as I get resettled from surgery and out of work. Are you finding that it is really helping you??
As for the lights, I love them, I have lurked around here before, as I admired your 12 days of Christmas sketches. I remember as a 8 or 9 year old watching War of the Worlds (the original) back then and being scared to death of the alien ships which reminded me of street lamps.
Charming drawing...seems to be a very peaceful scene.
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