This is my 100th post on this blog. It's been a little more than a year, and so it seems fitting that this post continues with something I started a year ago. This fellow was tricky to draw, and I think that when his feet finally land on the ground he will prove to be rather short and bandy-legged. But perhaps he is a good lord to his people. I think his face looks kind and wise. Well, that's the story I'm gonna stick to.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and travelled safely, and that your families are all happy and well. This lord is expressing my happiness because I got an iPod Nano as a gift. Although I try not to be materialistic or gadget-ridden (or boastful), I have to say that I absolutely love this thing. The whole concept of it is so clever and convenient. And best of all, I get to be (for a short time anyways) as cool and hip as my 14 year old niece, who also got the same thing from Santa.
Great job and congratulations on the 100th post!!!!
you did great sketches here over December...
Congratualtions on the 100th post and have a creative next 100!
Lynn, Congratulations on reaching the first 100 Blog entries. May the next set be as creative and inspiring as these have been.
Happy New Year!
This series is a great idea. And I approve of your "ipod lord". I love mine too. The ipod I mean, not the lord :)
Do you remember the song Sing from Sesame
Street. It in a direct gentle manner tells young and
old to sing and be happy.
Sing sing a song
Sing out loud
Sing out strong
Sing of good things not bad
Sing of happy not sad
Make it simple to last your whole life long
Don’t worry that its not good enough for any
one but you
Just sing, sing a song.
Sing has integrity, sweetness, grace, good
intentions, and a pristine quality.
They say when you make a painting that sings then that is an acomphlisment.
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