This is my 100th post on this blog. It's been a little more than a year, and so it seems fitting that this post continues with something I started a year ago. This fellow was tricky to draw, and I think that when his feet finally land on the ground he will prove to be rather short and bandy-legged. But perhaps he is a good lord to his people. I think his face looks kind and wise. Well, that's the story I'm gonna stick to.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and travelled safely, and that your families are all happy and well. This lord is expressing my happiness because I got an iPod Nano as a gift. Although I try not to be materialistic or gadget-ridden (or boastful), I have to say that I absolutely love this thing. The whole concept of it is so clever and convenient. And best of all, I get to be (for a short time anyways) as cool and hip as my 14 year old niece, who also got the same thing from Santa.