These are jalapeno peppers that I grew this summer along with the herbs in the previous post. The peppers had a rough go of it. They were infested several times with aphids. Each time I eradicated them only to have te next generation take up residence. Despite that, the blossoms were prolific resulting in lots of tiny little green nubbins. But August did not deliver the heat required to make them grow into the usual shaped. They are somewhat stunted and stubby and some are very tiny. But they did ripen. I've always like the deep, dark, sensuous color of them when they are green and the almost black color as they begin to change from green to red. They are not terribly hot, but they have a lovely fresh bright tanginess.
These turned out very nice! Love the composition.
GREAT JOB, Lynn! And oh how I wish I could have sent some of our 100F heat to you to enjoy!!!
Beautiful, dynamic sketch. Sorry to hear about your peppers - wish I could have sent you some of ours. They were the only thing we had that didn't get eaten by the squirrels.
Well done, Lynn....love the highlights ~ :)
They look delicious - and you did a great job painting them!
Wow! what shine your peppers have!
nicely done... gardens are fun aren't they!
What a delightful painting! So lively, spicy and full of movement. I planted a red bell pepper plant and got lots of cute little nubbins and teeny flowers but no peppers either.
Great drawing! I love the highlights on the peppers. The one on the left is especially interesting, because the green and the red mix. Even if they didn't turn out the way you would have liked them to, I admire you a lot for taking the time and care to grow them yourself.
I love these peppers for painting and eating and yours look beautiful with those lovely highlights!
how vibrant colours. I also like the shine they have!! awesome work.
Nicely done! The shine is perfect. We are a hot pepper family and like jalapenos, too. Well, at least my hubby and I are. lol! You did a wonderful job on these. Those pesky little aphids do annoy, don't they. You have to stay on top of them.
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