My favorite food? Hmm, now that's an interesting question, considering that food is a bit of a passion of mine. What should it be? Well, there's lemon and rosemary roasted chicken with mashed potatos and gravy, but I think that would lose a lot in the translation to the drawn page. How about a glowing glass of Pinot Noir with a bit of brie and crackers? No, Pinot Noir's not really a food and without it brie and crackers are not my favorite food. And I already posted about the perfect tomato sandwich. How about Shrimp cocktail? Tuscan bean soup? Quiche Lorraine? So many foods, so little time! How about something seasonal? It's November, so in my part of the world, seasonal things are limited. Ah, but wait, what's that? Mandarin oranges! How simple, how delicious, how absolutely perfect! When I was a little girl, my parents had to hide the box of oranges and dole them out to me one at a time or I would eat them gluttonously. Surely that means they count as a favorite food. The color, the texture, the shape - yes, it would be interesting to paint those. And it was. Maybe I'll save the Pinot Noir and the shrimp cocktail for another day. This is Windsor and Newton watercolor paints in the Moleskin journal. I did not eat this orange when I was done, mostly because during the course of drawing and painting it the tabby cat knocked it onto the floor and batted it around the kitchen so much that it was in pretty bad shape. It was inedible, although the cat was quite pleased with how well she helped me.