One year ago today, I began this blog to join the EDM art group. I had been lurking on the group for a while as I learned how to create and manage a blog. I began posting the challenges last October although I didn't formally introduce myself and my posts until January. It was a big leap in courage for me to show my drawings to others. But I really wanted to join a community where I could see what others were doing, and share techniques and ideas. I did not achieve my second goal which was to post 100 times in the first year. This is #86, most of which have been EDM challenge drawings.
Blogging is an interesting phenomenon. I read that the average blog has a life span of three months, probably because it requires quite a commitment. It's made me pay attention to what I draw, to really try hard, and to make a real attempt to do something every day. And then I have to find something interesting to say about it. But I can see how easy it is to measure your own value by the number of hits on your page. I try to resist the temptation to live or die by how many comments I get. I try to value the quality of comments over quantity. (I've also noticed how the meaning of the word "friend" has changed with the advent of blogs and social spaces on the Internet. How many of those called "friends" are people that you have actually shared hopes and stories with, as opposed to just sharing biographical facts? But I digress.)
I have been fortunate that all the comments on my blog have been positive and cheerful and pleasant. I have received a lot of encouragement, not just about my drawing but about my writing too (I get that from my dad). If you are reading this, I thank you personally for your encouragement, and I hope I get a chance to see and comment on your drawings and paintings. I hope I get the opportunity to be around for another year, and work hard to achieve 100 posts, and catch up on the EDM challenges I have not yet done.
"You've come a Loooong way, baby!" *smiles* A Big fat wonderful congratulations on your 1 year blogging anniversary!!! It's a courageous thing, to put your art out there, and start connecting with other artists- you should be proud of all you've done this past year. Keep drawing, painting, sharing, and having fun :)
Happy Birthday to you Lynn's blog!!!!
Great stuff out here. One question though: Are you planning to finish the 12 days of Christmas series you started last year? Love that song. I learned it in France from my american team mates.
Greetings from France
Happy birthday to your blog! You have done some wonderful work over the past year. Keep going!
Happy Birthday! The cupcake was delicious. Err ... was I supposed to share?
Happy blog-birthday!! It has been a pleasure to enjoy your blog and your art.
Congratulations! Hope you get as much out of the next year as you have during this first one. And I hope we get to see at least as many more drawings! Good luck! :)
Happy Blog Birthday! It's been a real pleasure enjoying your art journey with you. Your work is lovely and I hope you will share another year of your creativity with us. It's always inspiring - in so many different ways when we visit other Blogs!
Um... are there any cupcakes left, or did Jenny eat the last one???
Happy blogday! (We are almost the same age!). you have some lovely work on here and I look forward to seeing more in the year to come. Cheers!
happy blogbirthday and nice illustration to celebrate it!
Happy blogbirthday! Congratulations!
Big congratulations to you and your wonderful blog - here's to wishing you another year of joyful art and writing.
Happy Anniversary! Last year, in the advent of a new premature grandchild, I forgot the first anniversary of my blog. you just reminded me that I definitely need to commemorate the 2nd! Like you, I have benefited greatly by joining this art community. Keep sketching and sharing!
Well, I'm obviously too late for the cupcakes but Happy Birthday Blog wishes from me too, Lynn!!! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your lovely work over the next year. :)
I am late with my wishes, but fortunately, we're still in October. Congratulaions on your one year anniversary. You have done great work and I enjoyed being part of the last leg of your year. Keep going and have fun!
Wow, I am sorry I missed this but I'm sending belated anniversary wishes and hoping for many more. You should be very pleased with all that you've accomplished the past year. You deserve big kudos for being brave enough to put yourself out there. Keep up the great work!
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