A brand new box of crayons was always the best part of going back to school. The crayons were sharp, the paper sleeves were clean, the corners of the box were still crisp. There was such potential in that box, such promise of hours spent in creative bliss. But that was back then - before anyone judged us, before we even understood talent, before we learned to be critical and fearful, before we learned to submerge our creativity because it wasn't "right". But true creativity will find its way out, and those lucky ones will return to the promise and potential. We can once more see the joy in a box of crayons, or a tube of paint, or a clean sheet of white paper. We can once more celebrate the ordinary, see the beauty in the everyday things that surround us, and spend hours in creative bliss. And when the crayons are worn to dull stubs, the sleeves are ragged and grimy, the box is all squished and soft, and the promise and potential is all spent, there are many "masterpieces" to show for it. The crayons have fulfilled their destiny.
Watercolor and Pentel brushpen in Moleskine
"We could learn a lot from crayons: some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names. All are different colors, but they all have to learn to live in the same box." - Anonymous
These are beautifulI I feel like I could reach out and start drawing!
this s excellent!
These are great! Enjoyed your journaling too!
Unbelievably realistic - feel as if I could reach in and use any of the 3!
WOWZA!!! I too always remember that box of crayons for school -- LOVED the box of 64 with the sharpener .... they seemed to evoke such 'promise!" Your sketches of them are tremendous -- I could pluck them from the screen and begin a new page!! BRAVA!
These are so REAL - it's amazing. And I agree - a new box of crayons was always the BEST part of going back to school.
Really lovely, they bring back memories.
Hi Lynn! Your comment on my new MasteringMyMuses page led me to your page, so I get to visit your work. Loved the crayons; so realistic! Your other entries were great fun too. I see you're just north of me - I'm currently in NE Washington 1 mile so.of the border in an RV park for 2 months while my dh is gold prospecting. Lots of time to sketch & paint. I'll be back to catch up on your entries.
Oh, this is wonderful! I remember what it was like to get a new box of crayons. In fact, I remember my brother who passed away, when I was a kid and he was a teen, he got a job at kmart and w/ his first paycheck bought me a huge box of crayons. :) :) :) The best part was the smell. :)
I love the crayons - I feel like I could pick up one and use it! I also love the marbles - I am looking for pictures (at least that) of my Dale Evans lunch box and think I might draw that. Thanks for visiting Camp Sparky. Love your "stuff"
I can't imagine how you got such realistic crayons -- are you sure this isn't a photograph?! - Barbara
Absolutely beautiful and I must say I agree with your assessment.
Fabulous drawing. Beautifully rendered. Have enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your art work.
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