This is a drawing of my brand new fridge and stove. We bought our original ones fifteen years ago and, while they still worked, they were inconsistant and not very efficient. We chose these ones with the environment and energy savings in mind and we were happy with our choices. The stove is a ceramic cooktop with a warming station. The fridge, however, needed to have the door swing orientation changed from right to left. "No problem" said the salesman, "It'll take three days for them to do it in the warehouse, and it will be delivered on Wednesday". Thus began the nightmare. It was delivered on Wednesday, but without the swing orientation changed. The delivery man said to call the salesman, the salesman said to call Customer Service. The receptionist said they were all busy but someone would call me back. When they finally did, Customer Support said to call the Warranty company. The Warranty company said they had no record of the sale and to call the salesman. Now we've gone a full circle, it's five days later and the freezer has turned out to be defective and all the items in the freezer are a soggy, dripping mess.
After taking names of managers, and threatening to complain constantly and loudly, we were promised a new fridge, delivered the very next day with the door swing orientation completed. And it was. But why does a request to get what you paid for need to become adversarial before it becomes successful? It seems so unnecessary and unpleasant. But the new fridge is perfect.
I'm calling this EDM 28 - Draw an appliance. The stove has a distinct slope that shouldn't be there. I drew this in the Moleskine with the Pigman pen. Sometimes it seems that the texture of the paper can grab the pen and lead it astray. The T-shirt magnet on the fridge commemorates all the things we did in Puerto Vallarta, and the little gecko is a magnet clip that hold the bills to be paid. I think I will try to keep this large, pristine fridge quite uncluttered this time.