These are two of the most recognizable buildings on the Calgary skyline. On the left is the Calgary Tower. Originally known as the Husky Tower, it was once the highest building in the city. It is now only the fourth tallest. It has an observation deck, and a restaurant on the top. Recently, a glass viewing floor was added. When Calgary hosted the Winter Olympics in 1988, the Olympic torch was used to light a flame on the top of the tower. The flame burned continuously throughout the Olympics, and when it was extinguished at the end, a long drawn out spontaneous "Boo" echoed through the city. Today the flame burns to commemorate special occasions, such as Canada Day, or the Calgary Flames going to the Stanley Cup finals. The eye-catching copper colored buildings are the PetroCan towers. They have a very unique shape, and seem to almost glow when the sun goes down.
This is my first painting in my new Moleskine watercolor journal, bought on the recommendation of so many. So far I like it, although I suspect the first page is not meant to be used for painting as it did not lay flat. I had a lot of trouble with the sky wash because of that, although the rest of the pages do seem to lay flat. This challenge was a bit of a reach for me. I have never done this kind of "distant" or far away kind of perspective. I think I like it, I did achieve a recognizable likeness of the buildings. But it really was a true "challenge" for me, and I really did enjoy it. (Oh, andI apologize for that black line under the picture, I hadn't noticed it was there before uploading.)
LOVELY LOVELY, Lynn!! I too love that copper color against the bright blue of the sky!! GREAT Choice!
Thankyou Lynn for your lovely comment. I really enjoyed looking at your paintings. I keep seeing the moleskine mentioned,I had never heard of it, not seen them in Uk shops. Eileen
Great posts the last couple of weeks, Lynn. I loved your bookmarks and I share your love for them..you have beautiful ones! and your skyscape is lovley...strange how something hard and actually unattractive like a city and skyskrapers can turn out a beautiful piece of art..
Thank you for your encouragement on my last post, I appreciate it.
Great skyline, and I'm glad you chose it. It's really quite beautiful! I think you handled it very well, and don't see any waves or ripples from bad paper, so it all worked out for the best!
Hi, this is really good! :)
Beautiful! I know what you mean about he copper glowing when the sun goes down. Recently the built a shopping area where I live with cuppolas on the top and they are copper. When the sun comes up behind them in the morning it's just spectacular.
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