When I was a little girl, I loved the movie Bambi. One particular scene that sticks with me after all these years, is when Thumper the rabbit says something unkind about the odor surrounding Flower the skunk. Thumper's mother says "Thumper, what have I always told you?" Thumper scuffs the ground with his foot and sheepishly recites "If ya can't say sumpin' nice, then don't say nuffin' at all". It seemed like good advice way back then, and still seems so today. This is an illustration of the most vicious and cruel form of communication - gossip. It's never kind and serves no real purpose other than to make one person feel better at the expense of another. Thumper and his mother had it right, and I hope I always remember it.
This is done with watercolor pencil in my Paperblanks journal (no water). This is my first real attempt at cartooning. It's not nearly so easy as it looks, there is much erasing here. But I really enjoyed doing it, and will continue to practice.