This is a true story. I'm sure my cat Holly has this very thought every time I put out the art supplies. Of course, the final goal for all art supplies/cat toys is permanent exile under the stove, never to be seen again. If there are no more art supplies, then all the attention goes to the cat. Right?
I don't often draw from my imagination. I'm not very good at it because I can never get the shadows right. I got the shadows right on the pencil and brush because I set those up in front of me. But for the first time since we adopted Holly, she did not get up on the table and reach her paw out for the brush. I even invited her to this time. The one time I actually wanted her to do it, she refused. So I had to guess at the where the shadow of her paw would fall.
Sharpie pen, Pentel brush pens, watercolor in Robert Bateman sketchbook.
Boy, isn't THAT about right!
Isn't that just like a cat! It's a cute drawing, even tho the cat refused to cooperate! nancy
What a cute drawing and such fun story to go with it! I had a similar experience with my dog, hahaha! I understand what you say about placement of shadow. I have the same problem, but perhaps it's more related to the fact that I'm a newbie in drawing. Thank you for sharing your artwork and story! :)
they do love the paint brushes! i was cleaning and stuck one in a basket this evening with the bristles facing up and a paw came out of nowhere to swat at it--it was as if i could hear her saying "i was wondering where that had was"...
Yup, cat toys galore. You certainly captured that. Well done.
very fun !
Yes cats are definately meddlesome, mine 'bat' my hand with their paws, I think they want me to stop and stroke them!
Good drawing.
Haha! This is a funny story, and a great sketch to match! Your cat probably thought something was fishy, actually trying to get him/her to do that!
Cute sketch and story!
That's the way cats are! lol! This is such a charming little sketch. Nicely done.
Good sketch and the story made me smile, we've got 3 cats and they do have an attitude don't they..
So true, Cordelia ! Cats really do what THEY want !! Lovely sketch .
Cute sketch and cute story. My kids are more or less the same as your cat... LOL.
They never cooperate, do they? This a really good post - I love cat stories.
Too funny Lynn. Good drawing for the theme.
Thxs for stopping by.
I loved it!
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