This is my pallette of water color paints. In real life, it's a lot messier than that. This was a real exercise in perspective. I struggled quite a bit with all those corners and angles, and trying to convey "shiny white" surface. It was a real challenge, but as usual, I learned quite a bit. It always seems that the harder it is, the more I learn. There was a lot of erasing and re-placing of lines that forced me to look closely at the angles, and draw what I really see and not how I think it should look. Good challenge all around.
I had been without Internet access for about three weeks. I'm not one who is on the computer all day everyday, so I didn't realize how much a part of my life it had become. It was difficult to run my daily life - paying bills, renewing library books, looking up recipes and crossword puzzle clues (yeah, I cheat a bit!), communicating through emails, posting to this blog, and participating in the weekly challenges. So now I'm much more appreciative of the sense of community there is in being "connected". Rather than being isolating as so many think, it really opens up the world to you. And that can't be a bad thing - to be able to join a group of like minded people with the same interests as you, to discuss, to share, to teach, to learn, to participate. Isn't that what community is all about?
Welcome back! I love your pallette and I bet it was difficult. You are so right about blogging. Those who haven't tried it see it differently. I know I did. I have learned so much and enjoy the relationships here tremendously. Who would have thought!!
Glad you're back on your computer. I would miss my email and this art community so much that we even now travel with or laptop. Your palette is well done - so many pretty colors.
Hi! I'm new to the group and this was the first time I've seen your work. Really nice! And my what a clean palette you have!
You did an amazing job with this! I'm glad your back up and running. I agree, having the EDM community of artists helps me too, feel connected to the world at large.
Your palette looks really nice. You are right. When it's hard we pay more attention. I think that is why the challenges are so good. They get us to look at things we ordinarily wouldn't.
The internet definitely keeps me connected. I do all the things you do except the library. I may try that sometime. I live in a very rural area on 40 acres so my "socializing" is done via internet. My son and a couple of sisters do online messenging so sometimes I even catch them at real time.
Welcome back.
Nice palette, is it plastic or porcelain or do you have another?
Nice sketch here...and so good to see you are back at the blogging again! :)
Great job on the pallet! I did my travel box and that was hard for perspective, too.
I have fallen in love with this blog and am in the process of learning so much from all of you. It is broadening my horizons re painting. I can see how all of you will become close friends.
I am glad to "meet you" and your art!
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